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Todos los Seminarios

Jul 22, 2022 - The three-sigma rule to define antibody positivity: is it a beauty or a beast? - Speaker: Nuno Sepúlveda (Warsaw University of Technology) 22/07/2022 desde 14:00 hasta 16:00
Jun 24, 2022 - Graph wavelet variance and its properties - Speaker: Rodney Fonseca (Weizmann Institute of Science) 24/06/2022 desde 14:00 hasta 16:00
Jun 10, 2022 - An overview of the Stochastic Partial Differential Equations approach for spatial and spatio-temporal models - Speaker: Elias Krainski (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) 10/06/2022 desde 14:00 hasta 16:00
May 27, 2022 - Causal Effect Identification in Partially Understood Domains - Speaker: Adèle H. Ribeiro (Columbia University) 27/05/2022 desde 14:00 hasta 16:00
May 13, 2022 - A Bayesian Approach with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to Zero-Modified Power Series Model for Count Data Time Series - Speaker: Marinho G. Andrade (ICMC-USP) 13/05/2022 desde 14:00 hasta 16:00
April 29, 2022 - A Generalization of the Negative Binomial Distribution - Speaker: Katiane Silva Conceição (ICMC-USP) 29/04/2022 desde 14:00 hasta 16:00
April 01, 2022 - Robust estimation in functional comparative calibration models via maximum Lq-likelihood - Speaker: Manuel Galea (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) 01/04/2022 desde 15:20 hasta 16:00
April 01, 2022 - Concordance Analysis for Georeferenced Variables - Speaker: Ronny Vallejos (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María) 01/04/2022 desde 15:20 hasta 16:00
April 01, 2022 - A robust estimate of the probability of agreement between two measurement systems using P-splines - Speaker: Felipe Osorio (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María) 01/04/2022 desde 14:00 hasta 14:40
05/11/2021 - Reinforced random walks under memory lapses - Speaker: Manuel González-Navarrete (Universidad del Bío-Bío) 05/11/2021 desde 14:00 hasta 16:00
22/10/2021 - Random matrices and random growth processes - Speaker: Guilherme Silva (ICMC-USP) 22/10/2021 desde 14:00 hasta 16:00
08/10/2021 - A new method for sequential learning of states and parameters for state-space models: the particle swarm learning optimization - Speaker: Ivan Enríquez (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo) 08/10/2021 desde 14:00 hasta 16:00
24/09/2021 - The Chinese Restaurant Process - Speaker: Alan Pereira (Universidade Federal de Alagoas) 24/09/2021 desde 14:00 hasta 16:00
17/09/2021 - Joint analysis of overall survival and disease-free times based on copula: An application to breast cancer - Speaker: Giovani Silva (University of Lisbon) 17/09/2021 desde 14:00 hasta 16:00